Sunday, September 27, 2009


*Yes; Trendinq Topic Much.

So, as we all know... I'm a hiqh school qraduate (Class of O9!]
& I do a bit of partying. There was a time when every other week,
my team & I were somewhere partying, or throwinq a party.
Now that most of us are out of highschool, you hardly ever see us at a party.

Yesterday, I attended a Swagg Kids Crew party at Unbelievabillz in Montclair, NJ.
Now when yu first walk in there.. its like an arcade. Im like okay.. cool; thats cute.
You step in the back.. You start qlowinq in the dark and shxt. I'm like.. daa FXCK.
It was black liqhts n shxt. okay.. cool once aqain.

Me, Skaboo & Pooba (DJ Saucy P] were 3 of the first ppl in there, besides the DJS
[whom were all BRICK BANDDiTTSSSS ; cept for Rell/Fogul <-- lmfaoo I call him Fogul cuzzz he looks like that superbad niqquh!!! anyway.
I stood back and watched all the people coming in.. and I saw hella little kids. So im thinking to myself.. either im just a tall 18 year old... or they lettin 9 year olds in. It seemed to me that
everyone was under 5 Feet or super young So i stuck close to Pooba & Skabooty.

And before i continue to speak about these teen parties. MAJOR SIDEBAR
... Fresh played Single Ladies; so me & skaboo are on the stage bouta attempt to do the dance
from the video, playinq of course. Den we look down and this lil zack & cody lookalike [but skinnier] boy started to do the wholeee video. so they formed a circle around him and watched the lil faggot dance.. FAIL. even tho he killed it. lol

Anyway. The Party qot packed real quick. The fxckin ceilinq started sweatinq (ew. yu do NOT wanna know how it feels for the air conditioner to drip on you. You feel violated]
I started qettin aggravated because NOBODY does individual dances anymore. And I noticed how aggravated Skaboo was qetting; because every time he'd qo to dance, somebody would push him out the circle, and do the same damn dance they were doinq all night.

I qot beyond aggravated when they played Ride That Wave. I do understand that my son
Poobas sonq is just now gettin all the recognition that it deserved, but im tired of that shxt ! lol [Oo yea.. Make sure yu call that in on Hot 97. Ride That Wave ft Webstar !)

oo wait . this bxtch [BRA!! lmfaoo Polo knows who that is) .. her lacefront was qlowin in the blacklight!!!!! ahahahahhahahahah oh boy. that made my night.

overall, I had fun. but I cant be in the same enviroment with them little ass kids no more.
Yea im still a teen. but "na na" NOT A GO.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Speakit, Tweekit !

Disclaimer - Now I know that "God don't like ugly" and this blog can get a little uqly... but danqit im cute !(even though LauRen seems not to aqree !!! =O bish!!! ] Now lets get riqht into this blog !

My Enqlish class... -siqh- ... its too much.
We qot a lil Chris Crocker , light voiced boy who asks retarded questions;
a thuglifeeee smarty pants who provides the only comical relief ;
an overly confident foreigner who answers questions wrong more than he does right & muchhh more.

Oh yea ! My teacher looks like a washed up drew Barrymore ;; o wait...Drew Barrymore IS washed up. OOPS !

Ohhhh & let me not forget about the boy who disagrees with EVERYTHING said ... !!

& WTF IS POPPIN with dude man poppin pills in the front of the class and passin them back to the outspoken foreigner ?!! oo hell !

-siqhs aqain- let me stop.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Freekit Speaks (about class]

-long siqh-

Now.. everyone already knows is ABHOR math, with a vehement passion !
well anyway. I have math class mon; wed & friday. Okay... -_-
and if that isn't bad enough, i have class with my asshole brother, Roger(skaboo] !
I get NO work done. Why? mainly because I don't understand wtf the bish is talking about.

No offense to ANYONE, because I love EVERYONE..
but how come they let all these foreigners teach classes knowinq
damn well we aren't qonna understand them?

And I would HATE to have a foreigner teachinq me ENGLISH when they cant speak it their damn selves.. -siqh- anyway...

today was beyond ass. Skaboo didnt even sit next to me.
Some random girl kept eyeballin me when I was eatinq my candy.
My ipod was on the verge of dying.
The girl I was textinq didnt hit me back.
Time stood still.
As I waited for 2:20 to come, i decided to write some Haiku's...
why? cuz im So cool !

Haiku 1
The wind is blowinq.
The fallinq leaves will rain down.
The summer has died. <--- I poured out some of my 151 for my homie summer.

Haiku 2
The clock slowly ticks
Ms. Lee's class is BORING.
She needs H.O.P
*[now for you retards, H.O.P is hooked on Phonics)
Now, i didnt say hooked on phonics, simply because that would have been 6 syllables
and I only needed 5. lol

The Lord works through MANY

Sooo bloqitos ;
I was havinq such an offbeat day. I wasn't feeling school, "friends", & some otha shxt.
The first thing I saw when I logged onto Facebook was a video of twin boys singing a gospel song.
Not only can these two SANG, but they have their mind on the Lord at an early age.
welps, heres the video that made me feel better peoples!

*And whomever that is in the backround knows exactlyyyy when to add that harmony. ahh
im a sucker for harmony !

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Strong Feelinqs

Strong feelings...
The wrong feelings.
Strong feelings, feelin like
nothin can go wrong feelings.
Sad feelings, kinda hopin that
she treats you bad feelings.
Kinda feeling like I love you
No scratch that, I know I do.
Kinda feelin like you were made for me
but you are really feeling my bestie.
Kinda feeling like my life is doomed,
wanna cry when you enter the room.
Wanna smile when you say my name.
I wanna be the one rockin ya chain.
You got me feeling these feelings,
but its not ya fault.
Lookin at you & her feelin sad just might get me caught.
I got some strong feelings..
These ohh so wrong feelings.
Wishing they were dead feelings
Silently crying in my bed feelings...

* old poem from el espacio [the space. ]

thouqht id put it on here.

Music ♫♪

My English IV Honors teacher had us read
Sonnet 43 by Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

A Sonnet is a 14 lined poem
with a rhyme scheme.
[ABAB, ABBA, blah blah]

We were then asked to write a sonnet
with a ABAB CDCD EFEF GG rhyme scheme.

Here is my poem entitled 'Music'
[well..duh.. isnt that what I always write about? lol]

You Complete Me. You do.
I can depend on you in more ways than one.
Nothing on this earth soothes me like you.
You brighten up my day like the sun.

Never in my life have I felt a stronger connection.
Your love takes me beyond the moon.
With all my insecurities, you provide me protection.
You enlighten me when I'm filled with gloom.

I just don't know what to say.
Without you my day isn't complete.
I love you in every way
I have to give into defeat.
Music, I love you, and I'll never let you go
because you've shown me more than anyone can show.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Who the FREEK is TWEEK?!

..Really, I'd like to know the same, lol.
Well for starters, Im Ashley Nicole ! [Hiiiiii everyone!]
I'm 18 years of age and NOT likinq it. I wanna be 16 aqain!
(thats a whooooooleee different story. buh theres alot of cute lil 16 year olds... *ahem* lol]
Catholic School Girl til' the 8th qrade. Then in the 9th I was corrupted at West Side High.
(lawd have mercy on my poor soul. ]

So.. you miqht ask..
Why do you call yourself Tweek/Freekit Tweekit ?
GREAT question kids!
My brudda DJ SPAZ gave me the name randomly.
Then my SEEEESTARRR PoloBandit flipped it
and started callinq me Freekit Tweekit
because I "Tweek" pictures on Photoshop.
Get it? Good. DONT ASK AGAIN lol

Uh.. i dont have any sad stories to tell you. I live a pretty average life.

I'm a member of Brick Bandits
(must I explain what that is? hope not lol. Google miqht help.]
I'm a qraphic desiqner, sinqer & all around GREAAAT person.[I think.. lol)

I really don't like writinq these. WOMP.
hopefully you guys [whomever is readinq]
will qet to know me throughout my future blogs.

gracias por leer !

Holaa Mi Blogito's!

Hola mi gentes !
Well.. I really dnt know what to blog about.
Don't know why i created this thingerbob either.
My sissy LauRen got excited when I told her I was makinq one tho..

Any effin who!

on this blog you may see a fewww things.

  • My Desiqns
  • My Writing
  • & my RANDOMNESS !
peace, love & thuglifeeee !!